Easy SSH key management with puppet

· by Artem Sidorenko · Read in about 2 min · (223 words)

SSH key management is required in each environment.

In this post I want explain how to do it with puppet on the simple way.

I’ve created a module, which is a wrapper around core puppet types User and Ssh_authorized_key. This wrapper enables an easy key management via integration with hiera on puppet. (and it was a good exercise in rspec-puppet:) )

Setup the environment

You will need puppet >=3.6, install it via your package manager, gems or repositories provided by PuppetLabs.

Configure hiera like below

# /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml
 - yaml
  :datadir: /etc/puppet/hiera/
:merge_behavior: deeper
 - "hosts/%{clientcert}"
 - "environments/%{environment}"
 - "default"

Create directory structure for hiera

$ mkdir -p /etc/puppet/hiera/environments
$ mkdir -p /etc/puppet/hiera/hosts
#this symlink is requiered if you want to do some hiera testing on CLI
$ ln -s /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml /etc/hiera.yaml

Install the sshkeys module

$ puppet module install sidorenko-sshkeys

Create the configuration

Place the keys in the default hierarchy, so they will be available for the entire environment(they will not be deployed somewhere, not yet)

# /etc/puppet/hiera/default.yaml
    type: 'ssh-rsa'
    key: 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDJzdGydf2tdZYCkBRGx/SnlVKW+9q3Mqtf9vCrs0SaSkwDK4Q36hS40IVgmri2mjKeWFr5p92OgYY1hjZk4LLUAbVV8ItmPLqvmfrkOEwDCzmkbrUVa4BTKePWG0hOGAVYSQkS+1vhsTFhtznJMxsjRVwj8tO3s0fSnaXcovs9d4LwXhRbcDjzrAVRkk2d5/lSbjc/T4ZJ6oMKcGCxq02etJMoSBBQsEfRP/vULqKjoxJ96kb3Y43tU7gRzcVkXAyNqpXie8fD/FopoVi/uHIqkzotkOwztUYNt6C5LwV/W4ds5x3Zl7Jo4kqup2FOCs4oXSC3WxJI5FJ9WuPMtK1r'
    type: 'ssh-rsa'
    key: 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCqlo0PPGZ2XW1qBFuFgYmsGlT24I+v51tb7cRSAJeBouDPvfqBMBOX84ye4DsW3uRmFNXt/wdAr/QnEAlua5bSagVRC2t9X4lkcrFJSSfEA2J29Lh16pPzOK/HReo8R89wbEKfqrqZG/FNrjMB6YaAxBRJE0O9T6BDsMBCg6b8wb6DRPIKzuEkKkI9ywExVrVFOEANTsdS0oQq8exIlWHmnKwOf1R2Jl1FRgIHnJAfG29EoeY7Q+DlPZOBXqB+xamYj56h6FMb0ZLBOAirXm76bHbqJhzY5RbcW8HrxzvLBY1xfOlP4NMKWIxBNG1j2Je0WPU9gVDnq7/LoS0OuCtR'
    type: 'ssh-rsa'
    key: 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC9EC7xtYYZZblNgQP/SQ/7NR0fUW+mSMNv6gjDqfhPJ8K4mgqAN4ozvxnHl5k7dfzV4OhB/lIrnjfBg7BIfJjtxcoMNJDSDSmYixX7MzS/Ec35k/ovlxkK5tRKdhZHKYigLSUS2gE30l0804FeCj36O19UBeArrSXghsaKELFuE2EqUGz9kZ9WZW9SVDdJKuTSuij9GspIRCdhMX/s6GQOiycremqtnHf1xuZ22bSkbuAAYvPxQTvsxCMtykE4iqdJ8xhWeO+CZZMWn11AEv1FscwbirbjkjXz02D57BaeOwlU13oZIfA6Ko4SkMa9FuhNrtn4ctWb5jBep9xzyZUR'

Now assign the both keys from admins to the user admin in the environment serverfarm

# /etc/hiera/environments/serverfarm.yaml
    home: /home/admin
      - admin1@example.com
      - admin2@example.com

Now you want to assign the user1 key to the user1 on the system cool-system.example.com.

# /etc/hiera/hosts/cool-system.example.com.yaml
    home: /home/user
      - user1@example.com

If you remove some key assignments, but the User stays managed, they keys will get automatically removed from the system.

More detailed information and examples can be found in the module README file.